- fill the blender with as much kale and collard greens as you can, then throw in a handful of shredded carrots. add 1 cup coconut water. blend it up for a long time, scrape down the sides of the blender, blend it up some more.
- add 1/2 a banana and 5 or 6 ice cubes, blend well.
- add a scoop of your favorite protein powder, blend briefly to incorporate.
- pour and serve!
2) I cannot WAIT to read Yoga Bitch. Suzanne Morrison has provided me with so much laughter this week that it's been better core work than navasana, both with this piece and this video. For as much as I completely love and respect the tradition of yoga, the reality is that I'm a goof-ball, and, in my humble opinion, there isn't much in life you can't laugh about. Most of the time my teaching style is pretty light-hearted and silly. Don't misunderstand, I can center a room with the best of them, and stay serious long enough to get you into a pretty kick-ass meditative place for savasana, but during the more active parts of practice, I kind of like to laugh. Especially when it's challenging. Quads screaming in Vira II? Let's laugh!! Hip flexors weeping in the splits? Let's laugh MORE!
3) The Sardicado has taken over my brain. I'm coming off this strict 7-day detox, which I'm sort of extending for another seven days, except that I'm adding back Ezekiel bread, quinoa, and fish. Towards the sixth day of my detox I started craving SARDINES in the worst way. I never, ever, ever crave sardines. I dig them, but I don't CRAVE them. I think maybe I needed the calcium? In any event, on day six I googled sardine recipes and found this Alton Brown creation that took over my thoughts until day eight when I could finally eat it. (Okay, okay. If you stalk me excessively you know via my Twitter feed that day seven actually turned into a massive(ly fun) cheat day that included Mexican food, margaritas, wine, pizza and beer. FINE. Also, I kinda doubt anyone stalks me THAT excessively...) I finally made the Sardicado last night and OH. MY. GOD. It's the best thing ever. (Fine. It's NOT the best thing ever. But it's freakin' delicious, nonetheless!) You marinate the sardines in olive oil, vinegar, lemon zest, salt, pepper and parsley for an hour and/or as long as you can stand to wait (last night that was about 10 minutes. Right now I have them marinating in the fridge and I'm blogging in order to stall another 30 minutes before I rush into the kitchen and devour them! Alton recommends an hour. Mine went into the fridge at 12:46pm. Tick, tock...) and then you pile them onto bread spread with avocado, generously squeeze a lemon over the whole thing, and enjoy. I replaced the sourdough bread he recommends with Sesame Ezekiel bread, which is actually a GREAT swap because it toasts up SO crispy, providing glorious contrast to the buttery avocado and the oily sardines. YUM.
Actually, OMG, between taking a break to make a friend watch Suzanne's video with me and adding in all those damn links (I hope the three of you reading this actually click them so I didn't waste my time) I'm now thirteen minutes PAST when my sardines were ready! MUST GO EAT SARDICADO!!
Om, shanti, peace, etc. ;)
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